I have been tutoring for my son's Classical Conversations home school coop. It has been an interesting two years. Last year, I had fourth graders. This year, I have K4-K. This year has definitely been the more difficult and I look forward to leaving my post at the end of April. Ironically, I love teaching. I just hate all of the rules and regulations that hamper the experience.
Edmund will be attending "big boy" school next year. He had specifically asked to go. Since he has been admitted to his first choice, we are going to go for it for every one's sanity. Edmund is increasingly defiant at home. He obviously does better quality work for his tutors than for me. He is also terribly lonely.
It is our hope that being in a class of other like minded children will increase the probability for friendships to occur. Of course, Spencer should continue to be his best friend. Robert and I are simply hoping that he will find additional companionship.